Colloquium: The making of a seafarer’s nation? Batumi, the SSR Georgia, and the rise of the Soviet global merchant fleet / Helena Holzberger
On November 14, at 7 pm Tbilisi time, the biweekly research colloquium of the Institute for Social and Cultural Research, Ilia State University, will host Helena Holzberger, assistant
Colloquium: British Occupation Regimes in Georgia, 1919-1920/Samuel Coggeshall
On November 7, at 7 pm Tbilisi time, the biweekly research colloquium of the Institute for Social and Cultural Research, Ilia State University, will host Samuel Coggeshall, visiting
Colloquium: Will the River Take Care of Itself? Economy, the Environment and the Everyday in Late Soviet Georgia / Jeff Sahadeo
On May 9, at 7 pm Tbilisi time, the biweekly research colloquium of the Institute for Social and Cultural Research will host Jeff Sahadeo, Associate Professor at Carleton University,